This issue has to be addressed and necessary actions taken against the perpetrators, immediately after reading this piece. I have never liked gays and acts relating to it. This negative trend has annoyed me to the zenith that I feel awareness should be created and preventive measures taken to stop this.
The Igbo men salute themselves with the back of their hands hitting each other three times. The Hausas; a formal handshake, the Yourbas; the popular protruding on the floor. This culture, tradition still exists to the modern world.
A man who is considered a Sir/Bros after a proper handshake, laughs loud while chatting with you, hit/taps your butt with his Goliath-like hand and thinks all is well in the end. I consider it inept. It makes me look at such persons as gays or they simply gain satisfaction from that act. They are tactless. I wonder the amount of temerity they possess to hit their fellow guy’s butt. Is it as attractive as that of a female? How many milligrams of adrenaline pushes him into that action?
Most annoying is the continuous hit in future meetings. Same sex friendship is meant to be cordial without sending a wrong signal to the other party. An aspersion is not what one would want.
To stop this daft act of public funny friendly sexual molestation; use this steps:
1. After the initial handshake, keep hold to his hand, keep guard of your back side lest the prey strikes.
2. If he strikes; grab him by the arm so tight with your poker face, look him deep in the eyes and say "Sir/Bros, do me a favour please gerrara here."