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Friday, 12 August 2016


Story! Story…? Story. Once upon a time...? Time. Time.

In a distant village. Green. A magnanimous one.

People of that village suffered very well and complained about the problems they encountered by yelling outrageously to their King via various mediums. This King was engaged in meeting up with his itinerary, traveling to other villages to visit other Kings and discuss important issues. His followers complained and called him a voyager, unknowing to his community that he was trying to help them.

After a while, it came to a point whereby the community was supposed to bring out its finest competitors to rival with other communities in a festival of various sports. Green village as it was popularly called was supposed to get prepared for this fest since 4 years back but they didn’t, part of which was her problem as a village. When the festival was drawing close the cabinet members unanimously; with quarrel and insults came with the finalists to represent the village.

This village was rich in invaluable resources. Gold topped the list. This was the needed for those representing. It stood as the medium of transaction for most activities.

Days before departure, red-cap-Chief Solo issued a message through Obute the town crier, that there was no gold for them at the moment.

 This message battered the hearts of those competing. They were advised to break their tincan boxes or meet friends for gold and travel to the hosting village and make the village proud by returning with accolades. In expectation that their merited gold would be made available and suffice at their return. In infuriation those selected held a meeting of the Representatives of Green (ROG) after deliberating concluded to go out on the streets and beg for funds. They went to the village square which housed the community’s market, hospital, school amongst other public structures.

Gina the ROG spokesperson spoke up – Help us get to the VillaFest. That’s all we desire.

With this they captured the people’s hearts and donations flew into the 6 x 6 wooden cube with a 5mm hole aligned to the middle which carpenter Okute carefully handcrafted. It got tense that those who relented in donating where looked at like the devil’s heartthrob who admired the village’s failure.

Still the gold gotten wasn’t sufficient.

When the news got to the cabinet, after much lambasting from the inhabitants, they denied at the monthly community meeting that neither the King nor His cabinet nor red-cap-chief Solo ever approved of such news.
                                                                                  *   *   *

Yup! The GSVI (Green Squad VI) got to the bordering village. A BIG one. Bigger than theirs. Via their little rickety boat which they managed by squeezing because managing has been their modus operandi. After passing the night at the United Community of Red, they were set to depart for the games village.

The boat became unmanageable and they sent word through the inter-village’s sparrow to the King to provide them one out of his eleven aesthetic boats. Instead of heeding and providing the demanded immediately, red-cap-chief Solo abruptly responded during the village meeting to the community by asking “what are there for?” That they went to the “United Community of Green” to enjoy themselves instead of being en route to the main village. That-that isn’t their concern.

Even Obikere, the son of wealthy Chief Otinkpu was accused of giving 30,000 worth of gold to help his squad survive which he debunked.

Dede, the King, as he was normally hailed, sent his words back encouraging them to apply what they knew. Manage. All the way to participate in the fest and come back with laurels in various categories.

From the outcry of Green participants, the UCR in benevolence lent a bigger comfortable boat to the squad and in joy the left. Aiding the Green squad, in mockery they nicknamed them BOATLESS VILLAGE and made laughing stocks of them.

On arrival at the Mutlicoloured village, 7 hours before the festival, according to the reading from the hourglass, they had little time to prepare before tugging with their opponents in the battle field.

As they stood in one accord, right hand to the left breast to chant alongside with the local orchestra who sang Blue village’s anthem instead of Green’s. It was annihilating.

In this downtrodden state the King's message resounded like the morning cry gong. Manage.

From all calamitous ends it seemed impossible to kick the ball at this point. Stress upon fatigue. Football being the first game. They proved otherwise and won with an outstanding 5-4 against White village. That didn’t seem enough they qualified for the rowing competition.

At this point of the story Green stands at a 1-0 win against the village of the Cross.

Chief Solo felt remorseful for those outrageous things he said and apologized with a bulky letter. Onwards gold came and he traveled to meet them and celebrate.

The game continues…

Children. Children? What did we learn from the story?

As a country we have adapted to soaring high despite turmoils headed our way. With back-lashing and all what not.

I see Nigeria our beloved country taking records of important medals copped in this Olympic Games.

Voila. Voili. Voilo.
Big ups Naija.
Olympic squad VI.

Credit: twitter, pulse ng.

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